Matravers School


16 - 19 Tuition Fund

What is the 16-19 Tuition Fund?

The 16 to 19 tuition fund was first provided for the 2020 to 2021 academic year and is being extended beyond 2021 to 2022 for a further two years into the 2023 to 2024 academic year.

The funding is provided to all 16-19 providers to support pupils and mitigate the disruption to learning arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our share of the finding for 2020-21 academic year was £3863.

Our share of the funding for 2021-22 academic year is £4399.

The tuition fund will be used to provide small group tuition to pupils aged 16-19 where their learning has been disrupted and they have not yet achieved a grade 4 above in English and/or maths as identified by the Government. The subjects covered in the tuition will not be limited to English and maths.

How will we use the tuition fund at Matravers School?

We intend to utilise the funding to provide tuition for:

  • GCSE exam re-sit preparation for pupils who have not yet achieve a grade 4 in English and/or maths.
  • English and/or maths tuition for pupils who have not yet achieved a grade 5 and are studying A Level subjects in Social Sciences, Science, Geography and/or Computer Science.
  • Tuition for pupils in subjects other than English or maths.

We will prioritise pupils that will benefit most from small group tuition, including pupils with special educational needs and disabilities, and have met the Governments eligibility criteria.