Matravers School


School Business Management

The Matravers Standard (terms & conditions)

Services Terms & Conditions

Goods Terms & Conditions 

In addition to the terms above, for suppliers of services we expect:

  • You to be in a stable financial position with a suitable credit score and credit limit for the work undertaken particularly for projects where a guarantee is being provided or there is any payment in advance for an ongoing service;
  • Invoices should be fully compliant with Government guidelines and costs broken down between locations, labour and materials;
  • You to work to a standard appropriate to a first class learning environment;
  • Payment terms are 30 days from invoice via BACS. Invoices to be issued on completion of the service or delivery of goods.

We do not accept supplier clauses which renew a contract or agreement without a new purchase order being issued.  Supplier clauses which require the school to provide notice to terminate a contract or agreement are not accepted and do not apply.

Please note the school uses purchase orders to approve and track orders. These can only be issued by the Finance department. The School reserves to right to refuse any invoice submitted for payment which does not contain a valid purchase order number.

The Matravers Standard Supplier Expectations

As a publicly funded school, we aim to ensure all procurement decisions are transparent, fair and achieve value for money.

We have high expectations of our suppliers for both the service and goods they supply and the integrity they operate to. We prefer to use trusted suppliers who value a relationship with us and provide a level of service that matches our world-class ambition. 

Our ideal supplier would: -

  • Take time to understand our school and the environment it works within so it can use its expertise to provide advice and guidance in procurement decisions;
  • Be responsive and proactive to the school’s needs providing, where appropriate, alternative solutions at different price points;
  • Work with the school to achieve and retain the world-class educational centre we aspire to by providing a relationship service based with a key point of contact;
  • Have the integrity to suggest alternative suppliers when their own solutions do not represent good procurement solutions;
  • Be transparent over ownership and control with clarity over the type of business (Sole Trader, Partnership or Company) and disclose annually, any links with the school which could be considered to influence any procurement decisions;
  • Have undertaken full “Safeguarding” checks on their staff that will work in schools including DBS (typically with Barred List checks) and career history checks.

The school expects to trade under it’s normal terms and conditions.  Where we agreed alternative terms and conditions, or formal contracts are subsequently agreed, any clauses which, in the school's reasonable opinion, are unfair or unreasonable or would not allow the school to meet its responsibilities in the spending of public money, will not apply.